


在美国, states once driven primarily by fossil fuels are seeing the huge benefits of a diversified energy portfolio, particularly against the backdrop of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 and evolving policy changes. The pandemic prompted not only a major downturn in the oil and gas industry, 但是我们用显微镜观察了能量转换. 石油和天然气巨头发出了强烈的声音, we’re seeing the effects of their repositioning play out in real-time.

While leading a pipeline construction business historically centered on the U.S. 页岩气市场, I have never been more acutely aware of the need to diversifying our energy portfolios beyond oil and gas. We are pivoting our approach and thinking differently to ensure we deliver project resilience for our clients and their evolving needs, 但同样, 我们还必须考虑员工的应变能力.

The energy and skills transitions go hand in hand; even without the issues spurred on by 新型冠状病毒肺炎, the world’s demand and enthusiasm for hydrocarbons is declining, 并最终, 这将影响劳动力.   We are seeing a shift happening in oil-boom states such as 北达科他, where energy jobs do not necessarily mean your work in the fossil fuel industry anymore.

在一篇与 草原的业务, 杰夫。丹尼尔森, central region director for the American 风 能源 Association said that the Midwestern states are poised for continued renewables growth, 意味着更多的工作机会. He went on to explain that a wind technician is the second fastest energy growing job in the United States, the first being a solar installer: “It’s really clear that clean energy is fueling new job growth in the United States. 如果你看看它发生的地方, it's even more important for states like Minnesota, 北达科他, 南达科他州和爱荷华州.”

这种就业增长的概念得到了 哈佛政治评论 which cited a recent E2 report outlining that almost 3.3 million Americans work in clean energy, outnumbering fossil fuel workers 3-to-1.

And it’s certainly a focus at Wood where we want to build a more equitable and powerful workforce.

例如, the skills and operational equipment needed to dig trenches and lay, 终止, and commission pipelines is directly transferable to the electrical work scopes for wind and solar farms. Instead of powering plants, we’re powering turbines. 区别主要在于规模, as the distance between the turbines is much greater, 但从技术上讲,这两个项目是一样的.

I see our people wanting to learn and take advantage of a brand-new era of energy. And while we’re actively offering these opportunities to teams based in the Permian basin for example, we are also making sure that we work with local labor in the communities where we are active too.  我们的人民将使之成为可能! This is something you can witness firsthand in our interactive wind story featuring our people who are bringing wind farms to life across the U.S.

这不仅仅是我们基于站点的技术团队. Those who possess the necessary problem solving and skills to support procurement, 项目调度, 社区关系, and control scopes can apply those same aptitudes to partner with any sector.

The energy transition is no doubt a pathway for a technical transition. As the cost to install and operate wind and solar projects continues to become more affordable at scale, the economic and environmental gains – whether that be property, 州和地方税收或土地所有者收入, as well it positively impacting industrial and policy decarbonization goals – all this effort from a growing renewables sector will equate to more jobs.

It’s not just business that feels the boom and bust of fossil fuels, 在一天结束的时候,是人.  Wood continues to partner with clients to unlock solutions that strengthen the diversity of their energy portfolios, all the while we are also committed to a skills transition that will create a more sustainable workforce that continues to evolve to industry demand, which is enabling the energy transition and creating new possibilities.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.