

Maximise production flexibility and sustainability while improving margins

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As the world pivots toward a net-zero future, the industry is faced with global challenges. Refiners are struggling to improve margins while transitioning to cleaner energy and adapting to a changing energy landscape.

One area where there is a clear transition is the demand for electric vehicles (EVs). 随着电动汽车的普及, 传统运输燃料将继续下降, while the requirement for synthetic graphite used in battery manufacturing is expected to grow.

另外, with more than 260 million tons of plastic waste is produced globally every year and only around 16% being recycled, 多余的要么焚烧, contributing to greenhouse gases or ends up in landfills and oceans.


伍德选择性收率延迟焦化技术(SYDEC)SM) is the leading method for residue upgrading for zero-fuel oil production. It provides refiners with the flexibility to utilise a variety of residues in their cokers to reduce waste and support energy transition objectives.


  • 高投资回报和低资本支出改造
  • Recycle plastic / rubber and renewable pyrolysis oil processing in delayed coker
  • Used lubricants re-refining to produce IMO compliant low-sulfur fuel oil (LSFO)
  • SDA改造重型润滑油库存生产
  • Digital solutions and technology to optimise unit operation and uncover easily achievable revenue improvements
  • Due to the pandemic and the decrease in demand for transportation fuels, delayed coking units (DCU) are not operating at their design capacities. 为了应对这一挑战,Wood正在应用我们现有的SYDECSM technology to help clients repurpose existing cokers for a more sustainable future.

    SYDECSM 优势

    Due to our extensive delayed coking licensing and design experience, 我们可以根据个别炼油厂的需要设计相应的装置.

    Our designs include production of all types of coke morphology such as fuel, anode, and needle coke. Our robust technical components and an 80-year history in delayed coking design with over 3 million BPSD of installed coking capacity helps to cement our leading position in this area.

    Our specialists continue to improve refining technologies and adapt them to changing market conditions to protect and ensure our clients’ return on investment.


    · Easy integration to enable processing of heavier cheaper crudes

    ·残留物完全转化, including low-value residues to high-value fuels thereby maximising profits

    · Yield selectivity to maximise distillate production for improved profitability

    ·原料处理残渣的灵活性, 球场, 轻轻倒出油, pyoil, 塑料, 和/或部分转换材料

    ·专有的TerraceWallTM 延迟焦化加热器, a sloped wall double fired heater for extended run-lengths between spalling and turnarounds for greater onstream time and lower 维护 costs

    · Designed to maximise operator safety with open coke drum structure layout, 提高出口, 复杂的焦炭鼓和加热器联锁, 和滑阀拆头

    · Proprietary centre feed device for coke drum feed entry to improve drum life to minimise hot spots and banana effect

    ·环保工艺,无连续的泔水, 全封闭排污系统, 以及清洁的焦炭处理系统,从而减少排放



    • 专有TerraceWallTM 双燃烧加热器
    • 先进焦炭筒设计
    • 分馏塔洗涤区喷雾和细粒去除
    • 低压、超低循环
    • 在线剥落/清管
    • Run lengths of five years or more between turnarounds · Digital delayed coking for remote on-line monitoring and optimising


    • 滑阀脱头系统
    • 广泛的安全联锁,防止误操作
    • 改进甲板布局和更好的安全出口
    • 可实现焦化完全自动化
    • 焦炭转鼓寿命监测程序
    • 滚筒进料入口中心进料装置


    • 低硫燃料气体生产
    • 封闭式焦炭运输和储存
    • 封闭式排污回收系统
    • 清洁焦炭处理系统
    • 废物副产品处理,包括污水和污泥
    • 水最小化
    • 改善热集成

    Reduced technology risk and interface with full life cycle support

    • 可行性研究
    • 工艺设计包
    • 前端工程设计(FEED)
    • 详细工程
    • 采购及建造(EPC)
    • 施工管理

    我们提供单位结帐, 调试, 启动和运营协助, 以及全面的培训(操作, 维护, 操作员训练模拟器).

    Our team also delivers aftermarket service through technical service agreements for ongoing continuous support leading to optimised operations, 延长加热器运行长度, 提高焦炭桶的可靠性,延长焦炭桶的使用寿命.

    的Srini Srivatsan