Real-time emissions data management and insight.

49% of world’s GDP is 现在 under net zero goals. Corporations want and need to show progress not only because of investor pressure, but also social pressure. While ambitious emissions targets are announced, capacity to collate auditable data for tracking and insight is immature. For organisations to thrive, key decisions around emissions setting targets, and how to achieve them must be evidenced based.

Wood is helping turn ambitious net zero targets into real emissions reduction. Achieving predictable outcomes, we support our clients through their energy transition journey.  Together with Microsoft, we have created a cloud monitoring solution to accurately track client’s emission.


Wood’s 设想 provides governance and insight around emissions and carbon releases by streamlining and automating diverse data sets to provide a clear, auditable and accurate view of emissions from any asset, 机构或城市. Through providing a clear process for manual data provision, or connected systems data collation, 设想 automates environmental reporting and, 微软Azure, unlocks the value of data for an asset or portfolio of assets.

  • Assure Asset Operations Data: for day-to-day optimisation and reporting emissions data to meet regulatory and corporate commitments.
  • Real-time Portfolio Insight: across multiple assets, incorporating indirect and supply chain emissions, and feeding into decisions around carbon trading and offsetting.
  • Optimise Strategic Decision Making: quantitative target setting, transparent tracking of progress and effective interfacing with other key performance indicators.

Real-time carbon footprint and emissions monitoring

设想 has the ability to focus directly on the IoT and sensor driven real-time emissions monitoring. It provides a complete view of emissions by integrating with varied systems (ERP and EMIS, 设备库存, operational applications).. It provides automated real-time insight into emissions, including nitrogen oxides (NOx), 硫氧化物,) volatile organic compounds (VOC), 一氧化碳(CO), particulate matter (PM) and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

设想 reduces manual tasks associated with data collation and reporting by 80% with clear auditability and notifies an operator of an issue over ten times faster than traditional methods and spreadsheets. With a secure Azure backbone, 设想 can work with other key information sources (such as production or finance) to set strategic, 可测量的目标, with a realistic roadmap for delivery.  With an ability to interact with third-party data, automation of corporate reporting, such as real-time carbon foot printing (including scope 1, 2和3排放), 是可能的. Practical for small assets up to a portfolio of assets, 设想 is a proven solution for managing emissions and carbon data. In one instance, 设想 integrates 1.2 million data elements from 5 operating centres, reducing manual labour to a fifth of previous requirements whilst improving data quality, auditability and enabling better decisions through insight.

Many organisations are making significant progress in reducing energy consumption and emissions but realise there is more work to be done. 此外, 设想 enables transparency and confidence to all stakeholders in the journey to achieving emissions and netZero targets.

United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.