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创建, 控制和管理, professional publications and graphics to reflect the quality and credibility of your in为mation.


Learn how to manage in为mation and engineering systems in the 数字 age.



结合了技术专长和创造力, we use the most up-to-date resources to create outstanding products 为 our customers. 使用最先进的软件, 我们生产高品质产品, 具有成本效益的图形和多媒体跨所有格式. 服务包括:

  • Simplified process flow, electrical and instrumentation diagrams
  • 布局和平面图
  • 计算机图形设计
  • 完整的营销和促销包-从销售工具, 海报, brochures and leaflets to corporate gifts and exhibition stands
  • 技术说明-包括3D建模

我们的技术创作, Editorial and Electronic Publishing group has a wide range of k现在ledge and experience gained from successful delivery of projects ranging from small handbooks to comprehensive suites of operational procedures. This k现在ledge and experience enables us to advise and recommend the best method to meet client needs and expectations.

Our Editorial team can offer a major benefit 为 clients by coordinating the overall publishing process including project planning, 跟踪和移交/交付接口. 就像我们所有的服务一样, our publishing capabilities can be used in combination with other services to provide a complete package.


  • 技术编辑
  • 编辑,校对和质量控制(QC)
  • 文档规范开发
  • 文件审核,协调和整理
  • 文件格式化,修改和更新
  • 电子出版与处理


Our teams are highly attuned to the ever-changing and challenging industry demands faced by oil and gas operators. We have experienced operators with a wide range of practical experience and k现在ledge gained from working at oil and gas facilities onshore, 离岸和世界各地. 我们的团队成员专注于以下方面的开发:

  • Facility and equipment-specific manuals developed from customer P&id
  • System operating and procedure manuals 为 onshore, pipeline, offshore, and vessels
  • 全面的启动和关闭程序
  • 文件映射

Through our comprehensive in为mation management and document control service we bring safety, compliance and efficiency benefits to businesses by ensuring that accurate, user-friendly in为mation is readily available 为 all business areas.

We are ready to assist with simple documentation issues or to provide a complete off-site document management service via our In为mation 管理ment and Document 控制 (IMDC) team which offers a unique cost-effective outsourcing option. 服务包括:

  • Development of in为mation management and document control procedures
  • 文件结构和管理
  • 图书馆管理(现场和非现场)
  • 元数据管理
  • 数据清理
  • Development and operation of Electronic Document 管理ment System (EDMS)
  • In为mation 管理ment and Document 控制 Support Services – including administration of distribution control, 发布控制数据库和审查时间表
  • 文件审核服务
  • 电子分发和通知(虚拟版权持有人)

With a wealth of experience in different document and database systems we can specify, 开发和支持各种解决方案.

IMD (Integrated Maintenance Database)提供实时维护, quality data that adds significant value to maintenance management processes.

数据安全得到保证, and the risks involved in traditional processes are engineered out to deliver greater efficiency, 质量和整体运作效率.

  • 优化维护管理流程
  • 提供高质量的数据
  • 减少了错误的发生
  • Analyses, validates and cleanses data to meet company or best practice standards
  • 不需要任何额外的IT基础设施
  • 多用户和多站点软件
  • 数据安全地存储在云端
  • 自定义访问级别
  • 量身定制,以满足个人需求
  • 数据快速QA
  • 与现有的系统和流程兼容
  • 通过互联网连接方便访问
  • 数据审查的多个选项
  • IMD的版本包括SAP、Maximo和Agility

The IMD is made up of interconnected modules, with the data stored securely in the cloud. Appropriate user roles grant customised levels of access to ensure security and integrity of data.

It allows the creation and manipulation of hierarchical equipment lists (Functional Locations and Assets), 工作任务, 任务列表, 工作计划, 对象列表, bom, 路线和pm. 不像大型商业CMMS系统, the IMD allows the bulk-building of Planned Maintenance and the ability to copy 工作计划, 路由和任务, 使维修开发快速灵活.

The IMD can be tailored to suit your requirements with additional fields, 功能,甚至定制应用程序. 使用“超前”, the maintenance schedule and resources can be levelled prior to transfer to the customer.



智能信息管理基础网络研讨会加入我们的 由四部分组成的系列中 简短的网络研讨会, which examine the fundamental components of intelligent in为mation management, presented in 容易消化的话题. 这些30分钟的课程包括:

  1. 元数据: 是什么,不是在哪里
  2. 生命周期自动化: 元数据驱动流程,提高效率和安全性
  3. 黑暗的数据: 解锁隐藏资源
  4. IIM工具集: Utilizing intelligent technologies to deliver better decisions and faster results


  • Classify your in为mation based on what it is, not where it is stored
  • Use lifecycle automation to reduce labor intensive processes and errors, saving you time and money
  • 为你的黑暗数据带来光明, 让你的信息更智能, 加快决策速度,释放价值
  • Evaluate how the right tool set combined with the right guidance can deliver intelligence to your in为mation



数字工程生态系统Are your engineering processes ready 为 the new 数字 reality? Everyone wants to ‘go 数字’ – but what does this really mean?

在本次网络研讨会中,我们将讨论 如何规划和实施数字工程生态系统.


  • 建立关键步骤 在数字化交付的道路上
  • 实施最佳实践解决方案连接设计、建造和运营
  • 避免常见的陷阱 数据驱动的工程项目

This topic is relevant to managers, engineers and consultants with an interest in 数字 工程交付,信息管理和运营.


United by our common purpose to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, 我们为未来做好了准备, 现在.